Jayne | Body & Soul
I launched the ‘Body & Soul’ Campaign with the mission to empower and inspire confidence in women by showcasing their true self, strength, beauty and celebrate who they are right now. I want to help shift perspectives about beauty and show that EVERY body is beautiful… EVERY body is a work of art. But most importantly, we are more than how we look and what size clothes we wear. There is a story inside us all that has made us who we are today. And who we are right now is worth celebrating. So I’d love for you to follow along, read the stories of these incredible women and be inspired.
Meet Jayne
“From a young age, I learned from Dolly and Vogue magazines that my curves, my shape, even my face is not considered beautiful. It’s taken me years to try and get to a point of acceptance with myself.”
“Bullying in primary and secondary school destroyed my self-esteem. I married at 20, had my first baby at 21, second at 22 and finally divorced at 34. I started dating later that year which helped me learn a lot about myself. Eventually, I met the man I fell in love with. He loves my curves and is trying to help me love them too.”
I asked Jayne what the word ‘beautiful’ means to her and she said, “Beautiful is such a loaded word. I find beauty within me everyday. I am a kind, thoughtful, generous person and that’s beautiful. But physical beauty is something entirely different. It’s something I’m still trying to learn about.”
Jayne’s advice for anyone struggling to see their own beauty: “Be kind to yourself. What others see is often only what you show them, so show them your inner beauty and then they only see that.”
Jayne’s words on her Body & Soul experience: “I’m not sure what I expected going in but the whole experience was easy and professional. Tania made me feel comfortable and being comfortable while almost naked in front of a stranger was a challenge. But she achieved that and we created some beautiful photos. I knew I had inner beauty but Tania helped me see my outer beauty too.”
Jayne, I loved having you in the studio! Thank you for your vulnerability and for sharing your story. You are INCREDIBLE inside and out, body & soul….
Shout out to Charity from Charity Barnes Hair and Makeup Artistry again for her gorgeous hair and makeup styling and ability to enhance women’s natural beauty! If you’re ever in need of a talented hair and makeup artist Charity is your woman!
Interested in your own Body & Soul photoshoot experience? Find out more and get in touch here.